Monday, May 20, 2013

Senate Republicans released details of the first North Carolina budget

North Carolina budget proposal the Republican-led Senate provide details Sunday night room in a spending plan for the next two years, the leader of the Senate said it would absorb the still spiraling medical costs, and create a new country division of labor focused on rural economic development.

Will spend $ 20.6 billion spending plan, from July 1 this year, or basically Republican Gov. Pat McIlroy in his budget to spend two months ago.

Senate leader Phil Bo Jiexiu major categories of expenditure figures will be mostly flat compared with the current year, in addition to the health and human services, natural and economic resources. By the national health spending will grow 11 percent to nearly $ 35 billion.

The General Assembly has formally approved more money for medical costs to deal with a shortage of 1.5 million inhabitants, mostly poor, the disabled and elderly residents health insurance plan another is expected this fiscal year. Are 413 Senate Budget provision indicates McIlroy administrative come up with health care reform proposals early next year.

Senate Republicans also want to transfer McIlroy under the National Bureau of Investigation, according to Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper oversight bodies. The budget proposal released late Sunday shows the value of the transfer of $ 330,000 from the Ministry of Justice, SBI is now living department, the Department of Public Safety, led by McIlroy appointment of the Secretary-General Kieran Shanahan.

Cooper scheduled a news conference on Monday - it is expected that the same day the Senate Budget Subcommittee to meet to consider the spending plan - SBI "with law enforcement to maintain an independent state executive branch call." Cooper's office blocked the success of previous efforts by the Republican Party two years ago, mobile SBI Department of Public Safety.

Senate Republicans plan to hold their own budget news conference Monday. Is expected to be held the first plenary chamber on Wednesday two required floor votes. The House of Representatives passed its own version. The goal of both houses McIlroy's final plan is presented to the June 30, they hope that he will sign into law.

The Senate proposal would increase compared to the 2.3% of the spending authority, but also laid the foundation for the Senate tax reform proposals, a Berger news release said. Berger said last week he did not expect the actual tax plan - including lower income and sales tax rates - inserted in the budget.

"This budget is the former leader of the attempt failed tax, consumption and in stark contrast to learn their way to prosperity," Berger said, more than 100 years ago, the Republican Party in 2011 to make a clear reference in the Democratic-controlled legislature. Budget adopted by the legislature in 2011 and 2012 in the veto Democratic Governor.

Berger's office said the budget would cost about reform efforts in many public schools, Berger is seeking $ 54 million to $ 10 billion dollars, as well as the advantages of the pay system for school teachers in the 2014-15 fiscal year. State employees will not get a pay rise next year.

The spending plan also would eliminate, the money they expected to return to part - Recently, it has been in the millions of dollars - as a cost-saving measures received each year by the local school district spending cuts. Changes in the news release said, "the education budget process is completely transparent." This is not yet clear, however, changes in the public school classroom may affect employment.

Senate Republicans will create a new "Rural Economic Development Division in the Ministry of Commerce put $ 55 million more than two years, a new" Rural Infrastructure Authority "nonprofit NC Rural Economic Development Center working capital will be eliminated, or The annual loss of approximately $ 16.7 million.

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