Saturday, May 26, 2012

The medium believes God? What mind medium will teach my next life

Psychic medium believe in God? What is their general position on religion and belief? You can be a medium and do not believe in a higher power, this is too much contradiction? Usually ask these questions and more readers and users, so if you ever want to know the same thing, let's take a closer look at the following:

Is synonymous with God and the afterlife ... or are they different things completely?

This is an interesting question. Although 20 years of psychological research tells me that most of the media to believe in God, I also found that they actually believe what change quite a bit from person to person. Most certainly believe in a higher power or organization of all things, a universal energy higher power, in fact, is how to define the actual experience depends on the medium, quite a bit.

For example?

Some of the more well-known medium, we see on television is the traditional religion, so they tend to believe that (talk about) a more traditional God. When I talk about with the world-famous media, such as John Edwards last summer, he mentioned several times, symbols and images of traditional and Christian tradition. (I find it somewhat ironic, I am a Jew, however, my love, one is completely correct information reported)

Similarly, Theresa Caputo (Long Island media) often talk about her Catholic faith and how it intersects with her readings, symbols, her reading and her how to explain them to her clients the best information may be the most insight and spiritual inspiration.

I work today other media update the beliefs of the times, and also applies to "God", are more likely to talk about energy, consciousness, light, and connectivity, infiltration and run through everything.

Here is my first belief, as it relates to God and shamans:

But they all agree that there some kind of higher intelligence, is involved in our lives. We are here for a reason, and behind each of our life, there is a strong purpose. Many people believe that the higher the presence of God, we read the Bible, "he" has a religious connotation for us to teach our traditional beliefs.

Some people believe that the more experienced, they afterlife fields of the more apparent becomes that there is no real "religion", the main purpose of life is love, grow, learn and develop the spirit of understanding, although we may appear to be independent , below it all the important places ... We are from the same source. (When we open to the fact that we become more connected to our own true nature and each other)

As for myself? Although I do my own spirit to raise their traditional doctrines, I do more cultural and social significance, and not connected to a group of other religious beliefs. Ultimately, I believe that when we die we return to the source of karma, connection and community, from which we have to .... This is a place of equality for all, regardless of who or what you pray for in this life. I also believe that "going out" is a function of how to tolerate and accept you now ... this is I am constantly reminded, is a connection and all who accept the This is the afterlife experience, I hope There are good!

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